reiki first degree certification

Interested in becoming a Reiki healer? Join us for a two-day, personalised workshop where we teach meditations to help you manage life-related problems and initiate your self-healing journey. Upon completing the workshop, you will receive your first-degree Reiki certification which allows you to relax, rebalance, realign and renew yourself for life. 

Please call to inquire about our next session.

Why should i become a reiki healer?

Practicing Reiki self-treatment restores balance on every level, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When you live with greater balance in yourself, your relationships with others and with the circumstances of your life generally improve as well, including job and money. Reiki practice is a good start, because it helps us feel better, clearer, more comfortable in our skin, and in our bodies. It is convenient to practice daily as a meditation and has a wide range of application. This incredible art of healing is an investment for life. 

What will I learn in the workshop?

You will learn protocols for self-treatment and for practicing Reiki with others, and we will discuss how Reiki supports your wellness and your medical care, the philosophy and history of Reiki practice, and the Reiki precepts. Continuing to practice Reiki  self-treatment consistently, every day, over a period of time, is how you really come to understand Reiki, and to reap the greatest benefits: improved wellness, greater happiness, health promotion, disease prevention, and an enhanced sense of meaning in life.

The first degree certification workshop allows you to begin practicing Reiki self-treatment as soon as your class starts, and you leave the training fully empowered to practice Reiki on yourself, and to share treatment informally with family, friends, and pets It’s all about balance

is this workshop for me?

First Degree Reiki training is where everyone begins, even if you are planning to become a professional. You are welcome to take a First degree class even if you are already trained to practice Reiki. Whether you are a First degree, Second degree or Reiki master practitioner, the class will deepen your practice and your understanding.

We also offer Reiki professionals classes to strengthen your practice, build your clinical skills, and raise your professionalism.